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If you're interested in becoming a Twitch, TIKTOK or LIVESPACE moderator, simply complete the form and tell us a little about you and what you can bring to the team. The modsquad will then review the application and DM you in discord to set you up with everything you need for a trial to make sure you are a good fit, can commit to the role and basically see how it all works out.

Streamer support


Getting help with your setup, overlays, bot commands and anything for your stream.

Music room


Listen and add music to a live playlist and listen along with your friends in the Discord..

Selfies and Pets


Share photos of your pets and selfies, are you having a bad day, then they'll cheer you up

Voice Channels


Use these to chat in game with your team, live streamers and join in with people

join discord
Mod Appliaton
Contact: Contact


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©2024 by OldBaldG on Twitch

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